How do I get to Casa RV Park?
See our convenient map and driving directions.
Is Casa RV Park in a secure area?
Yes, we are in a nice, quiet part of town.
How close is the Casa RV Park to industry in the area?
We are the closest park to the petro-chemical areas in Baytown, LaPorte, and Pasadena. We are just minutes away from all of them.
How many cable TV channels do you get?
We have 42 channels of Direct TV.
Are you close to shopping and hospitals?
Yes, we are near restaurants, grocery stores, shopping centers and hospitals, etc.
Is Casa RV Park kept clean and neat?
Yes, we take pride in keeping our park a nice place to live or stay. See pictures.
Do you have good rules and enforce them?
Yes, our park is a nice quiet park.
Do you like long term or retirees?
We absolutely love retirees and long-term working persons.
Are there other parks around Baytown?
Yes, but we have the finest and centrally located.
If you do not have a space, can you help me find one?
Yes, we do that quite often.